Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Introduction

OK so here it goes; my attempt at a blog post.

I have long struggled over the topic of my first blog post. The tedious question ... What to write about ? Well I figure instead of a recipe, a how-to, healthy info or advice; I figured; Hey why not write about me ? Who I am and why I am doing this. Maybe that might kick this whole blog thing into gear; and help people understand who I am and why I LOVE FOOD !

I am 29 soon to be 30 ( fearlessly ). I am married with 2 children ( also fearlessly !). I have a deep deep passion for food. Not just for food, for everything that has to do with food.  The art of food, taste, smell, sight, feel, and touch of it. I crave creating new ideas new creations, new works of art as I affectionately call it. I have a habit of creating "alternative recipes", I'd say also an habit of creating new dishes I have never made before, and the satisfaction of them turning out " AWESOME " Tee Hee .

As long as I can remember I have loved food. My first true memory of me in the kitchen was with my Aunt Judy and I in my Grandmothers kitchen. We have gotten back from the local farmers market, a regular Saturday trip her and I would make. She would let me pick out a "treat" I would always pick a way too sugary cookie; what kid wouldn't right ? We were making cherry pies. Up to now I love making pie, frankly up to now I love cherry pie !  Mm I love pie ! Anyways I remember rolling the dough with her, she let me do as much as I was able to do, well as much as my little hands would allow. I remember the pie plates and the pot of stewed cherries for pie, and Grandma walking around us in the kitchen, and my Aunts Uncle and a million cousins it felt like I had running in and out of the kitchen, all I was concerned about was making that cherry pie !

I am forever thankful that my parents and family quenched my desire to cook bake and create.

I remember going to my fathers house as a wee child and each week-end he would allow me to pick out a recipe, and we would stop at the local Bulk Barn to get our ingredient's. As a special treat he would allow me pick out a cookie cutter or two of any shape and add to my collection. I still have my collection of cookie cutters to this day, and i keep them in a old Bulk Barn bag, I must have about 40 or so. I can't wait to use them with my children, soon Leyah and Keziyah will be able to make their first shortbread's as I did. I  still have my same recipe, tried tested and true.

Ok so I think this may be a great time to tell you all, I may sporadically get off topic and onto another one in a flash but I will try to always get back to the original point lol.

Ok so back to the original point Haha ! These were no simple recipes my father and I would make, I remember making fudge from scratch, 5 layer cakes, pies pies and more pies lol, we even make chocolate truffles dipped and rolled in different toppings, and I was no more that 8 or 10 at those times. I used to make shortbread cookies and sell them to my Aunts and Uncles, ( not sure how much ) but i can still remember wrapping them on fancy paper plates and colored clear wrap for presentation. 

I still remember on a Sunday my father was taking me home to my moms and he was carrying 2 pies I had made, I had the third in my hand, he was trying to close the door while he held my 2 pies, as he closed the door a pie fell ... The pie was not a write off, but the top crust was mangled. I was so devastated I cried and cried and cried. My dad felt so bad, I was heartbroken all my hard work love and attention went into making these pies, and I always designed the tops crusts so fancy and detailed that the top crust of the "fallen pie" was so damaged I would not eat the pie lol. Now as I look back on it, I get it, i was so young, cooking was my life and a ruined pie to me was like a botched surgery; well maybe not that bad but I guess to me at 8 or 10 years old it kinda felt that way lol.

I have to say even though my father dropped my pie, Tee Hee he was and still is and incredible supporter of my love for cooking.  Each week-end he would tirelessly clean all my dishes as I slaved away making these intricate fancy french desserts, covering myself in chocolate, flour and butter, he would humbly help me in any way he could, allow me to do ALL of the recipe by myself unless there was alot to do on the stove; then he took over. I cannot thank him enough for all his time love help and support !  He truly was a inspiration in my baking adventures. I love you Poppa !

So on went my love of food, it stemmed from just a cooking and baking habit with my father to me wanting a cookbook of my own one day. I still want my cookbook one day. To owning a restaurant, becoming a world class Michelin Star Pastry Chef, working in many restaurants for many many hours and bakeries gaining industry experience. My first job was at Baskin Robins, where I was sent to do 3 cake decoration courses; where I eventually leanred to make wedding cakes.  I became the Head cake decorator at Baskin Robins by 17.

I achieved my goal of going to culinary school, I excelled beyond belief ! I was willingly the "teachers pet" I stayed late learning new ideas and techniques. Chef Ray and Chef Julian challenged me and pushed me to new limits that I never knew i was capable of. I will forever be thankful to them for taking me under their wing, trusting me and allowing me the creative room to explore all I had in me.

While in school, the last semester, the Chefs brought in a nutritionist, she played some documentaries that forever changed my life : The Future of Food, Food Inc. and Frankensteer.  Everything changed form there, I was oblivious to what was in my food, how it was prepared, and the lengths to which "They" go to put unhealthy down right bad things in our food. And thus started my lifestyle change.

After school I got married and pregnant, we were married in April 2009 and we had our first daughter in June 2009. I never knew I could love someone so much until I had my daughter, she was my life, they are my life, we had our second child in Oct 2010. I have 2 amazing children, 2 little girls, they are the most beautiful sight to me, even after they have spilled cheerios everywhere, gone to the water cooler tried to fill their sippy cup full of water while the lid is on splashing water everywhere lol, just puked everywhere, threw something across the room, pushed her sister, ate something off the floor they should not have and so much more, they are my amazing babies and I LOVE THEM !

So now that I have a family, a food revolution occurred in my own mind; I could not continue to cook in the same style, or serve the same poison ridden foods to my family. As we got married while still pregnant I changed everything about the way I cooked and baked. Some may refer to it as "Alternative cooking" you'll probably hear me use that term alot. Instead of cows milk, i would use goat, soy, almond or oat milk. We stopped eating beef, no cows dairy in ANY foods, NO High fructose Corn Syrup, No aspartame, No MSG... I made all of my own babies foods, they ate nothing from a jar or box. I read every label and ingredient list and was determined not to give up what I loved about food, to not skimp on flavor and taste, and eat everything i always loved just re-invented into a healthier new way of living.

This was not easy in the beginning, it was terribly difficult to give up my dreams as a pastry chef to be a stay at home wife and mother and make baby food lol But once Leyah came my dreams as a Michelin star pastry chef went out the window instantly and I slapped  my daughter on my hip lovingly and her and I went a cooking her baby food !

So here I am now sharing my life, story, family, food and way of life with you all, in hopes someone will listen, gain a little bit of help, knowledge and understanding of alternative methods to enjoy a healthier cleaner more enjoyable way of life for you and your family.

Love Sierra

P.S  I never thought it would be this long, and I could have put soooooo much more Tee Hee !

P.S.S  Try to watch the movies I posted, they are highly beneficial to your health and well being, I have a ton more to be honest, just ask if you would like them, but I don't want to scare you off with my first Blog post ! Tee Hee !  Hope you stick around !

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